Friday, December 7, 2012

Busy Bee!

I seem to be on a lot of hiatus' lately! The reasoning this time is because in a week from now I'm going to finally be graduating from college! I've lost my other glove so I have to wait until I find it again to take a picture for you. I'm currently working on two different super secret Xmas projects so no details until after the gifts are given.  I'll take pictures before I wrap so once they make it to their future owners you can see what I've made.  I can't say enough how much I love Caron Simply Soft yarn! It's about three dollars for 5 ounces, but it really is delightfully soft and it feels just SO good to work with and touch. You do have to be a little careful because sometimes the yarn does unwind while you're working but if you pay attention it's not a big problem.  I'm planning on learning how to do embroidery soon! I particularly like the romance of doing whitework-though I am definitely biased towards patterns rather than outlines. I'm not sure why but just outlines of random pictures doesn't look that good to me-it really needs to be filled in to look nice in my eyes.  I'm so lazy about my Ravelry account-maybe I'll get more active with it later on, after I've graduated.  I'm also hoping to learn how to quilt-it seems a pretty straightforward skill and yet there are subtle techniques I probably need to learn rather than just guessing.  That's all for right now, but I'll try to keep up a little better!