Thursday, May 10, 2012

Another day in the life

I got some really good advice and some hands on help this past couple of weeks, and I've finally gotten the hang of crochet. I can't wait to start making things, and hopefully, eventually, making money. I needs money, yes.  I've been having a hard time thinking up blog posts lately (especially being consistent with an updating schedule!) I figure I'll get the hang of it eventually, but I do, sort of, have an excuse. I finally finished finals for this semester as of this morning! And my new larping schedule was INSANE this month as I had somewhere to go every-single-weekend. That and I was determined to learn how to play River Flows in You by Yiruma on the piano. Which I have!

On a more solemn note:

Amendment one got passed in NC, and it's an absolute travesty. This isn't about gay rights, this is about the definition of the word marriage, and who gets to define it. That, and saying that only marriage in this Christian sense counts.

Whatever your personal religious beliefs, it is NOT YOUR PLACE to force them on others, or to make them law. Saying Pagans can't perform marriage services for gays because gay marriage is illegal, is like saying Christians MUST perform marriage services for the LGBT community regardless of their personal beliefs. This amendment is a restriction of my religious freedoms.  And regardless of your beliefs about gay marriage, claiming ONLY marriage is legal is absolutely disgusting-a straight civil union is now no longer recognized. The thought of amendment one makes me feel physically sick to my stomach, and I no longer desire to live and work in NC and pay my taxes to this state.  It was a failure of our legislative process that such a bigoted, hateful, and discriminatory amendment ever came to pass-a revocation of rights should have been shredded the first time it was seen.

Don't like my opinions? Tough.

I am straight but never narrow. A rainbow friend. And always, a safe place friend.

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