Friday, September 7, 2012

About that Summer...

I know I've been away since May, sorry about that! With the change over of my spring classes to my summer classes, a new work schedule, moving, and blazing heat-I just didn't get around to working on much involving needles! However, all that has changed now that we're getting back around to cooler weather. Back around May I had started the process of knitting the pieces to make a bag for my yarn and supplies-well I didn't really do ANYTHING on it since this month! To date, I have four pieces of the bag completed. The bottom, both sides, and the front panel. I've already cast on for the back panel, but I haven't begun the straps. Speaking of, I'm still debating how to attach them! I'll probably just use the bag I'm modeling it off of for reference when the time comes to sew all these pieces together.

But the biggest development? I've finally discovered the charm of crochet! My best friend's mother showed me how to do her version of a granny square and I've been quite literally hooked! In the past week I've gone through three skeins of yarn-one for a blanket I started for myself (as well as a practice piece to learn how) and two more as a surprise present for somebody. Crochet really does go quite fast, and once you find your rhythm you don't even notice how much you've done until you look over and the skein has deflated!

Overall I think it bodes pretty ill for my knitting needles, since knitting really does take more time, and a bit more care. If you drop your needles out of the loops for a knitting project you're in trouble, but for crochet? It's only one loop, you just pop the hook back in and keep going. I'll take pictures of the finished projects and post them up here for you to see. I'll try to be better about keeping everyone posted! Ta for now.

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