Friday, March 2, 2012

A little hooked

Started relearning how to crochet yesterday. Chain stitch? No problem! Single stitch? Moderately easy-I'm pretty sure I'm doing it right. Double stitch? Doin' fine! Getting ahead of myself and trying to make an advanced lacy hexagon from a pattern? Kind of way more difficult! It's okay though, I'll figure it out eventually, that or find someone to help me translate the instructions. The scarf is coming along marvelously, I've finished two repetitions of the pattern, and it's about 2/5ths done.
In news of a witchy persuasion, I found out the hard way to be more careful when reading almanacs! I accidentally was reading last year's calendar for March and not this year's when trying to determine the vernal equinox. Luckily, the two books I ordered off of Amazon have shipped out as of last night, and today marks the beginning of me checking my mail every day. Things are coming along swimmingly!

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