Friday, February 17, 2012

Another Day

I like to blog frequently (if you couldn't tell!) and the habit will help me to keep up with this site-but don't be surprised if there is more than one post per day, sometimes a thought comes and I just run with it. We got the ads up and running-so if you see something you like, go ahead and check it out! You'll be helping to support my yarn addiction. ^-^~ I'm only about 1 1/2" away from completing my second square, and I'm super ready to get started practicing stockinette stitch! Purl is fine, but once I realized all garter stitching starts to look the same I got bored. According to my mother, the purple yarn ball I've been using I've had for 15 years!! I remember trying to start many a 'scarf' and starting over and over again over those long years, but it just goes to show you that once yarn is in my hands it doesn't leave! I'm really glad to finally be putting all this purple yarn to use-especially since it hasn't been my favorite color in about 15 years. It's nice to have 'scrap' yarn to learn and practice on, because if I mess up, well it's not my favorite yarn and it's no problem to cut it and start again. I

I'm considering starting reviews of my favorite knitting websites, end eventually, homespun yarns available through Etsy and the like. My Ravelry queue is huge from all the projects I've found and I want to make! Good thing I've got lots of time on my hands in the next few years, you'd be surprised at how much knitting you can get done in just a spare few minutes here and there throughout your day.

A shout out to a few of my friends who are supporting me right now, thank you Kerry, Rachel, and David! Without you I'd feel a lot more boring. ^_~

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