Saturday, February 25, 2012

A little late

Sorry I didn't get this up sooner. I took the pictures and will put them at the end of this post. I ended up caving and started on my scarf. This pattern is super fun! It's a little trippy with how the pattern makes the yarn move. A few pointers. SK2P means Slip one, Knit 2 together, then pass the slipped stitch over (as if to bind off). I'm not sure if I'm following the 'Make 2' directions perfectly, but I decided yarn overs would work alright because they're increases-and give it a pretty holey-lace pattern. These videos I found on Craftster were priceless in helping. I've had a few wee hiccups which were a bit stressful, but ripping back (a majorly necessary skill for a knitters) has saved it tidily. I'm positively loving this painted yarn, between the moving pattern and the moving colors this scarf is positively engaging and super entertaining.

The first two are the dress I finally finished, with a detail shot of the back.

The first picture is my pretty new scarf yarn, and the new needles I purchased. The yarn cost $3.27 and the needles were $4.47 both from Wal Mart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how everything is blue. The dress, the yarn and your needles :)

psst- It's Rachel by the way >.>