Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The dress is finally finished! I started it on November 19th, and I finished it last night, the 21st of February. I'll be very sure to post a picture of it as soon as I have some time, I'm drowning in schoolwork lately. In news of a more yarny nature, I've had to start and restart this ribbing stitched rectangle a bunch of times. It's a little tricky before you get the hang of it. A few tips for my newbie friends out there, for ribbing you need an ODD number of stitches. You alternate knit and purl stitches, and when you turn the work you swap which one you do first. I use the tail of the yarn as a guide post. When the tail is at my left hand, I start with Knit, when the tail is at my right hand I start with purl. A good way to double check you haven't gotten off rhythm is that the last stitch of the row should be the same as the first. Remember to pass your yarn BETWEEN your needles to get it to the front/back as necessary.

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